Selles blogis olen ma käsile võtnud tutvumise ühe keelega. Mitte lootuses selle osas virtuoosiks saada, vaid pigem puhtast uudishimust teada saada mõned selle keele sõnad ja väljendid. Saamaks äratundmisrõõmu ja muud taolist :). Teostan oma retke antud keele sõnavara ja reeglite rägastikku nii nagu parajasti huvitav ja meeldiv tundub - seega metoodika mõttes ilmselt üpris kaootiliselt. Ideed, kommentaarid ja märkused on teretulnud ja saavad tähele pandud, aga nende kasutuselevõtu määrab mu meeleolu. Selline isekas keeleuurimisblog niisiis :). Aga kellele mu avastused huvi pakuvad, siis kade ma ei ole, avastage aga rõõmsasti koos minuga ;)!
In this blog I've taken up getting acquainted with a language. Not in hope to become brilliant at it but simply out of pure curiosity to find out some words and phrases used in it. Mainly to gain some moments of happy recognition in future and other stuff like that :). I'll carry my expedition into the jungle of the vocabulary and grammar rules of the language out exactly the way my interests and feelings guide me. So methodically, I guess, it'll be pretty chaotic. All ideas, comments and remarks that might be relevant are warmly welcomed but the execution of them will strongly depend upon my moods and feelings. Nothing doing, it's my very own and very selfish language-study blog :). But to those who might become interested in my findings - I'm not a jealous person at all so feel free to join me on my trip of discovery ;)!